6 ways to play with MATCHING CUBES
6 maneras de jugar con los CUBOS QUE ENCAJAN

6 ways to play with MATCHING CUBES

6 ways to play with MATCHING CUBES

motor cube

Don't be fooled by appearances, this game goes further than simple cubes.

Here are some game ideas

  • Stack the tower vertically from small to large.
  • Make the construction horizontally from large to small and from small to large.
  • Put the cubes one inside the other.
  • Learn concepts such as big-small, inside-outside, light blue-dark blue.
  • We can introduce rice and it becomes a transfer game, they must transfer the rice from one bucket to another.
  • We introduce a teaspoon, this time they will have to transfer it using it. Things get complicated!

Remember a toy doesn't have just one use!

Motor skills game for children

You can leave more game ideas in the comments!


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  • En este caso no aconsejamos usarlo como moldes para la playa ya que al ser de madera si se expone tanto al agua, arena y sol puede dañar el juguete.
    ¡Pero si tienes cubos de encaje de silicona adelante! Nosotros en la web tenemos los cilindros apilables que si se podrían usar en la playa.
    Un saludo,
    Equipo Bimbi Montessori

    Bimbi Montessori on

  • Se pueden usar también como moldes para jugar en la playa?

    Mercedes on

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